PDF Signature

The Documentize PDF Signature for .NET plugin allows users to digitally sign PDF documents. It offers a streamlined process for adding signatures, ensuring authenticity, and securing PDF content. The plugin supports both visible and invisible signatures and provides options to customize the signature’s position, reason, contact information, and more.

Key Features:

  • Digitally Sign PDF Documents: Secure your documents with visible or invisible digital signatures.
  • PFX Support: Sign PDF files using a PFX certificate.
  • Customizable Options: Configure signature settings like reason, location, and contact details.
  • Visible and Invisible Signatures: Choose whether the signature is visible on the document.

How to Sign PDF Documents

To sign a PDF document using a PFX file, follow these steps:

  1. Create an instance of the Signature class.
  2. Instantiate the SignOptions class with the PFX file path and password.
  3. Add the input PDF and the output file to the options.
  4. Run the Process method to apply the signature.
 1var signature = new Signature();
 2var signOptions = new SignOptions(@"C:\certificates\myCertificate.pfx", "pfxPassword");
 4// Add the input PDF and specify the output file
 5signOptions.AddInput(new FileDataSource(@"C:\Samples\input.pdf"));
 6signOptions.AddOutput(new FileDataSource(@"C:\Samples\signedOutput.pdf"));
 8// Configure signature options
 9signOptions.Reason = "Contract Agreement";
10signOptions.Contact = "johndoe@example.com";
11signOptions.Location = "New York";
12signOptions.PageNumber = 1;
13signOptions.Visible = true;
14signOptions.Rectangle = new Rectangle(100, 100, 200, 150);
16// Apply the signature to the document

How to Use Stream for PFX File

You can also sign a PDF using a PFX certificate provided as a stream instead of a file path. This allows more flexible handling of certificate storage.

  1. Create an instance of the Signature class.
  2. Instantiate SignOptions with a stream containing the PFX and the password.
  3. Add the input and output files.
  4. Run the Process method to apply the signature.
 1using var pfxStream = File.OpenRead(@"C:\certificates\myCertificate.pfx");
 2var signature = new Signature();
 3var signOptions = new SignOptions(pfxStream, "pfxPassword");
 5// Add input and output files
 6signOptions.AddInput(new FileDataSource(@"C:\Samples\input.pdf"));
 7signOptions.AddOutput(new FileDataSource(@"C:\Samples\signedOutput.pdf"));
 9// Apply signature

How to Apply Invisible Signatures

To add an invisible signature (one that secures the document without displaying the signature on the document), simply set the Visible property to false.

  1. Create an instance of SignOptions.
  2. Set Visible to false.
  3. Add input and output files.
  4. Call Process to apply the invisible signature.
 1var signature = new Signature();
 2var signOptions = new SignOptions(@"C:\certificates\myCertificate.pfx", "pfxPassword");
 4// Configure invisible signature
 5signOptions.Visible = false;
 7// Add input and output files
 8signOptions.AddInput(new FileDataSource(@"C:\Samples\input.pdf"));
 9signOptions.AddOutput(new FileDataSource(@"C:\Samples\invisiblySigned.pdf"));
11// Process signature